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Instructions for authors

1- Type of article: a documentary articles on the results of basic and applied researches that have not been published before or sent to other journals at the same time.

2- How to prepare the article: the submitted article must contain the following components.

2-1- Title: the title should be a summary and express the contents of the article and should not exceed 15 words.

2-2- Name of the author(s): name and surname, academic rank and the name of the university or institution where the author(s) work(s), the name of the corresponding author and their email address in the footer should be provided.

2-3- Abstract: an extended and expressive summary of the article, with an emphasis on the description of the problem, research method and quantitative and qualitative results in the form of an extended paragraph between 500 and 1200 words.

2-4- Keywords: at least five and at most eight keywords about the subject of research and non-repeated in the title, after the abstract and in alphabetical order.

2-5- Introduction: It should include problem statement, importance, hypothesis, review of related scientific sources, summarization of results from previous researches and description of the purpose in such a way as to explain the necessity of conducting the research.

2-6- Materials and methods: in this part, the materials, tools and methods of research implementation are presented to scientific authorities in a specific, detailed and documented way. It is necessary to describe the research area in a brief way, along with stating the characteristics related to the conducted research.

2-7- Results and discussion: all qualitative and quantitative results obtained including tables, figures, curves and related scientific explanations are presented in this section. The figures should be presented with quality and appropriate text. Tables should also be presented from the right side. The titles of the figures and tables should be complete and comprehensive and contain the necessary information. The results obtained in this part are analyzed according to the purpose of the investigation and the findings of other researches, and while stating the necessary justifications, a comparison with previous researches is also made. At the same time, the necessary recommendations and suggestions to carry out further investigations should also be provided

2-8- References: the references include a list of sources mentioned in the text of the article in English only, arranged alphabetically by the last name of the author, (or the name of the relevant organization if there is no specific author) based on the following examples and express and it is essential to detail each reference accurately.


  1. Weltz, M.A., L. Jolley, M.A. Nearing, J. Stone, D. Goodrich, K. Spaeth, J. Kiniry, J. Arnold, D. Bubneheim, M. Hernandez and H. Wei. 2008. Assessing the benefits of grazing land conservation practices. Journal of Soil and Water conservation, 63: 214-217.

It is necessary to explain that all materials taken from Persian Journals must be translated in English by mentioning in Persian in parentheses according to the example below.

  1. Zehtabian, Gh., M.R. Javadi, H. Ahmadi and H. Azarnivand.  2003. Investigation on effect of wind erosion on increasing of desertification intensity and presenting of regional desertification model in Mahan basin. Pajouhesh and Sazandegi, 73: 65-75 (in Persian).


  1. Toy, T.J., G.R. Foster and K.G. Renard. 2002. Soil erosion: processes, prediction, measurement, and control. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons. 338 pages.

According to the explanation given in the previous paragraph, Persian book sources should also be presented in English.


  1. FAO. 2008. FAO land and plant nutrition management service. Available online at:, accessed 25, April 2008.



  1. Mahmoudzadeh, A .1997. The use of farm dams to determine the effects of land use and lithology on catchments sediment yields. PhD Thesis, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 257 pages.

According to the explanation given in the magazines and books section, the Persian sources of thesis should also be presented in English..

If several sources are referenced from the same author, the order of their insertion will be based on the year of publication from the oldest to the newest. If there are several sources of the same year from the same author, they will be distinguished from each other by placing the letters a, b and c in front of the year of publication.

3- Writing style: the text of the article is maximum on 15 pages of A4, with a margin of three cm from the sides and 2.5 cm from the top and bottom, with line spacing of one and font B Nazanin, size 12 and 10 respectively for Persian and English words, using half a centimeter tab at the beginning of the paragraphs in the environment of Microsoft Office Word and with the extension doc or docx.

The full title of the article should be written in font size of 16, the name and surname of the author(s), academic rank, and the name of the university or institution where the author(s) is (are) working, such as Mohammad Mahdavi, Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, should be provided in font size of 10, avoid using parentheses in the title

In the setting of tables and figures, it is mandatory to mention their number and title in the middle line above the table and below the figure with font size of 10 and bold the word figure, table and its number. For example: Table 1- Characteristics of meteorological stations adjacent to the watershed or Figure 1- Satellite image and location of the research area, the figures should be prepared in color and with good quality, and if there is text inside the figure, Persian text should be used. It is mandatory to mention the source of photos or figures adapted from other sources. The content inside the table should be in font size of 10.

The equations must be prepared in the Word or MathType equation writing environment and the units must follow the metric system and be presented in English, as in the examples below.

Length: meter (m), millimeter (mm), micrometer (mµ), nanometer (nm)

Area: hectares (ha), square meters (m2)

Volume: cubic meter (m3), liter (L)

Yield: kg/ha (kgha-1), liter/ha (Lha-1)

Concentration: grams per liter (gL-1), moles per liter (molL-1)

Mass: kilogram (kg), gram (g), milligram (mg)

Transpiration: millimoles (water) per square meter per second (mmolm-2s-1)


Tips to improve the quality of the article

1- Do not use the words in the title in the keywords.

2- Do not provide any reference, list or address in the abstract.

3- Explain the problem and necessity in the introduction.

4- Figures and tables should not be used in the introduction.

5- At the end of the introduction, the aims should be clearly presented.

6- If it is necessary to present the map of the study area in the materials and methods, the geographical direction, scale and guide should be included.

7- In materials and methods, all equations should be numbered.

8- In materials and methods, the form of the equation factors should be the same as the definition of the factors.

9- Tables should be numbered in the order referred to in the text.

10- The writings on the maps and figures should be legible.

11- Avoid representing content in the form of figures and tables.

12- Avoid repeating the contents of the tables in the text and only describe the process in the figures and tables.

13- A sentence should not exceed two lines.

14- Paragraphs less than three sentences should be added to the previous or next paragraph.

15- The text and numbers inside the tables and figures should be in Persian.

16- An empty space must be kept before and after the tables, figures and maps.

17- Numbers less than 10 in the text should be writtenby letters and more than 10 should be written by numbers. If the numbers are used as names of groups, classes and shapes, they should be written by numbers.

18- There is no space before and after the word in parentheses, such as (writing).

19- The numbers in footnote on each page start from 1 with a font size of 10.

20- In writing the words, use the book "Dictionary of Farsi calligraphy", approved by the Persian Language and Literature Academy, which is accessible on the website of the Academy.