In collaboration with Iranian Watershed Management Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Natural Resources Research Department, Khuzestan Agricultural and Natural Resources,Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Ahvaz, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Natural Resources Research Department, Khuzestan Agricultural and Natural Resources,Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Ahvaz, Iran


One of the key challenges in rehabilitating degraded lands in arid areas is ensuring adequate moisture to enhance biomass production. This water supply must be achieved without further straining the already limited water resources or causing social conflicts in the region. Utilizing runoff from rainfall and creating water storage systems is an effective method for restoring and improving pastures, particularly in desert and dry regions. This study aims to evaluate the impact of pitting on the restoration of native vegetation in degraded lands and dust emission hotspots in southern Khuzestan province, specifically in Bandar Mahshahr city.
Materials and methods
The transect-quadrat method was employed to investigate changes in vegetation cover. Two transects were randomly established in opposite directions and perpendicular to the rows of pitting within the study area. Each transect included 15 plots, resulting in a total of 30 plots in pitting areas and 30 plots in the control area (between the pitting rows). Canopy cover and plant species were measured in all plots. Additionally, vegetation richness and diversity indices were calculated using PAST software. To examine the impact of pitting on soil properties, 60 soil samples were collected from pitting and control areas at three depths: 0–30 cm, 30–60 cm, and 60–90 cm. Laboratory analyses were conducted to measure organic carbon, salinity, and moisture. An unpaired t-test, following a normality test, was used to assess significant differences in vegetation cover and soil characteristics between pitting and control areas.
Results and discussion
The results revealed that species density in pitting areas increased by 81%, canopy cover by 14 times, the Shannon diversity index by 82%, and the Simpson diversity index by 67%, compared to control areas. Conversely, the dominance index decreased by approximately 60%. In terms of soil conditions, salinity decreased across all three depths, while moisture significantly increased at a depth of 60–90 cm. Furthermore, organic carbon content increased by 40% at a depth of 0–30 cm.
The implementation of pitting has successfully restored native vegetation and improved soil conditions by enhancing moisture storage. Field observations indicate that pitting not only facilitates desert restoration by reintroducing and establishing valuable native species but also enhances soil quality. This approach demonstrates the potential of pitting to act as a critical link between various ecosystem components, promoting ecological balance and sustainability.


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