In collaboration with Iranian Watershed Management Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Khuzestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center

2 khouzestan research center



The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of pitting construction on the restoration of native vegetation in degraded lands and dust emission hotspots in southern Khuzestan province, located in Bandar Mahshahr city.
Transect-quadrat method was used to investigate changes in vegetation cover. First, randomly in the middle of the implementation area, two transects were taken in opposite directions and perpendicular to the rows of pitting, and 15 plots were considered on each transect. And in total, the canopy cover and plant species were measured in 30 plots in the pittings and 30 plots in between the pitting rows as a control area. In order to compare the vegetation established in pittings and control areas, in addition to canopy and species density, non-parametric indicators of richness and diversity of vegetation were calculated using Past software. In order to investigate the impact of pitting construction on the soil of the region, a total of 60 soil samples from pitting and control areas were taken at three depths of 0-30, 30-60, and 60-90 cm, and organic carbon, salinity, and moisture were measured in the laboratory. became. Unpaired t-test was used to check the existence of a significant difference between the vegetation cover and the characteristics of the soil samples in the pitting and control fields after performing the normality test.
The results show that in the pitting areas, the species density has increased by 81%, the canopy cover by 14 times, the
