Document Type : Research Paper
Homogeneous sub watershed Are useful for comparison and better understanding of the complex structure of watershed and thereby facilitating the development and management approaches specific to each class to deal with the destructive phenomena such as soil erosion, drought and flood. In this study, the database contains 6 groups of information such as climatic and socio-economic, topography, soil, water, remote sensing were studied.These Factors converted to raster and then the pixel data converted to text data (ASCII). So matrix was produced with dimensions of 27 * 147 506. Eigenvalues and the variance associated with each factor showed that 6 first component includes a total of 83.27% of the changes. In order to select the optimal number of clusters and clustering evaluation and validation of the method, hierarchical clustering and discriminant analysis and clustering using k- mean cluster of the data was performed. Karoon Sub watersheds were classified into 16 groups.