In collaboration with Iranian Watershed Management Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute, Agricultural Research, ‎Education and ‎Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran

2 MSc, Water Resources Management, Sharif University of Technology, Iran


Drought is a phenomenon which is not preventable, but its outcomes could be mitigated by a holistic and scientific managerial vision. In order to approach to this goal, some practical frameworks is needed for different parts of the country, in respect to their climates. This paper is introducing development of the first agricultural drought risk management plan by experts of Agricultural Drought Management (ADM) for a pilot area. This project lasted for three years from 2009 to 2011. In this project some educational workshops and specialized meetings were held and have helped the plan to be more succeeded. At first, all needed climatic and agricultural information were collected and then a program for agricultural risk assessment in the region were selected. The drought plan was developed with a nine steps proposed method, in respect to advice of experts. Considering the average income of 41 billion Riyals from agricultural and animal husbandry activities, damages costs of poor to very severe drought varied from 3.450 to 10.350 billion Rials. Agricultural drought risk management plan can reduce drought damages from 30 to 47 percent, depended on drought intensity.
