In collaboration with Iranian Watershed Management Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, Sciences and Researches Unit, Islamic Azad University, Iran,

2 Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran,

3 Assistant Professor, Sciences and Researches Unit, Islamic Azad University, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran


The fire is one of the factors that have effect on the natural cycle of ecosystem. This project was established to deal with the effect of the fire on quality features of habitat in the research site of rangelands plants of Zagheh Gorge.It was occur at Khoramabad northeast 35 Km with 33° 29" N, and 48° 42" E, being at 1960 meters above the sea level. This study was formed by travel method, We Used Transects 200 m and plots 1 m that chose vegetation type and plants morphology Both Control area and treatment in Comparison Conclusion show that there are difference significant between canopy cover in the control area, and the fire (p<0.01). Also, after two years, there are not difference significant between organic matter, litter, pebble and rock (p<0.01). But there are significant difference between Soil Conservation level inside and outside of the fire area (p<0.01).This Statistics show that there are difference between the plant production of Class I and III in the control area and the fire with 30.32 and 5.54 in control area and 24.84 and 2.72 gr/m2 in the fire area (p<0.01). The Control area with 69.32 Percent of Canopy Cover is better than the fire area with 51.6(p<0.01) so, high percent of Canopy cover in the Control treatment caused heap of crucibles and numerous branches in this area. Forbs plants, decreased from 46.8 % in the control Canopy Cover area to 35.6 % in the fire area; whereas, grasses increased from 53.2 percent in the control area to 64.4 percent in the fire area. So, the fire is effective on increase of grasses and decrease of forbs.
